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SNAP is pleased to partner with each of the practices listed. Because of their support of our programs,
we are able to offer significantly reduced surgery prices to the public. In return for their contribution
to SNAP and the communities they serve, please treat them with the respect, courtesy, and appreciation
they deserve. We ask that you express gratitude for their service to you. Without them we would not be able
to provide the significantly reduced pricing that we do to the public. Thank you!

SNAP offers TWO low cost Spay/Neuter programs for cats:
  - SNAP PRICING, OWNED CATS - for Owned Cats, all charges shown below
  - SNAP PRICING for Trapped/Feral/Stray/Free-Roaming/Outside Cats

Please click the options below to learn more about each program.

Owned Cats
Fixed Price
Outside Cats


SNAP works with several veterinary locations that offer fixed pricing. These programs are referred to as SNAP EXPRESS.

Some veterinary locations require a deposit at the time you schedule to secure your appointment. If you do not show up for your appointment or cancel less than 48-72 hours prior to your appointment (varies by veterinary location), your deposit is forfeited. Otherwise, your deposit will be applied to your final bill.

No need to call SNAP!!
Contact the Veterinarian Office directly to SCHEDULE your surgery appointment.
Inform the Veterinarian Office you are going through the SNAP EXPRESS program. This is what drives the pricing and failure to do so will result in full clinic rates being charged.
SNAP EXPRESS surgery is an outpatient procedure, and cats will be discharged the same day
Kittens MUST BE at least 16 weeks old and in good health, and must weigh at least 4 lbs to be accepted for surgery.

Please click on the location of your choice below to display more information about each location and to schedule your surgery.

Hershire Animal Hospital
406 Middletown Rd
Hummelstown, PA
Pine Grove Animal Clinic
473 Suedberg Road
Pine Grove, PA
1159 Susquehanna Trail N
York, PA
Pet Pantry of Lancaster County
26 Millersville Road
Lancaster, PA
Silver Springs Animal Clinic
5 Sample Bridge Road
Mechanicsburg, PA
Colonial Park Animal Clinic
4905 Jonestown Road
Harrisburg, PA
Palmyra Animal Clinic
920 East Main Street
Palmyra, PA
Humane Society
7790 Grayson Rd
Harrisburg, PA

Hershire Animal Hospital

S/N Costs for Owned Cats

Surgery Prices:
Male Cat Neuter: $195.00
Female Cat Spay: $265.00

Additional Information:
Female cat surgery prices include pain medication, IV catheter, IV fluids, ecollar and follow up suture removal

Cats must be at least 4 months old
Cats must weigh at least 4 pounds
Cats 7 years of age or older require pre-surgery blood work (cost is $92)
Proof of Distemper and Rabies are required or will be administered (cost is $15 per vaccine)

Surgery will be performed at the discretion of the Veterinarian. In any case where it is felt that the surgery will endanger your pet due to poor health, or the safety of the staff is a concern, surgery won't be performed.

$50 non-refundable deposit required for surgery. 48 hour cancellation notice policy.

Pine Grove Animal Clinic


S/N Costs for Cats

Surgery Prices:
Male Cat Neuter: $159 (Plus Pain Injection)
Female Cat Spay: $227.90 (Plus Pain Injection)

Note: SNAP Program pricing is for cats age 5 years or younger
Mandatory e-Collar for female cats and female kittens (Optional for TNR/Ferals). e-Collar may be waived if client provides a previously purchased e-Collar that is approved by Veterinarian office.

Additional Mandatory Charges:
Mandatory Take Home Pain Medication - $15-$20 depending on weight.
Mandatory Vaccines (if proof of current vaccinations cannot be provided)
Rabies Vaccine $15
FVRCPP (1 year) $15br>
Please Note:
- Additional charges apply for pregnant females at the discretion of the Veterinarian
- Cat must be in good health. Surgery will be performed at the discretion of the Veterinarian. In any case where it is felt that the surgery will endanger the health of the cat, surgery will not be performed.

York County SPCA

S/N Costs for Cats

Male cat: $92
Female cat: $122

Prices continue to include a physical exam, anesthesia, the spay/neuter surgery, post operative pain medication, and an Elizabethan collar for recovery. Prices for owned pets now also include microchipping and microchip registration at no additional chargeif your pet is not already microchipped.

Proof of current Rabies is required If cat(s) are either due for the vaccination or you cannot provide proof of up-to-date Rabies vaccination, a Rabies Vaccination will be required at the time of surgery.
  Rabies Vaccine: $20
  Distemper Vaccine: $15

Additional Charges Apply for Undescended Testicles(Cryptorchid): $25 per retained testicle
Additional Charges Apply for Pregnant Cat: $30, which also includes subcutaneous fluids

Directions: Interstate 83 Emigsville Exit, approx 5 miles north of York.
Enter clinic on LEFT side of main entrance.

Please contact YCSPCA directly for more information.

Pet Pantry of Lancaster County

S/N Costs for Cats - 2024 pricing

Male cat neuter: $126
Female cat spay: $149
Microchip: $26.50
Rabies Vaccine: $20
Feline Snaptest FIV/FeLV: $25

Animal must be in good health, at least three months old, flea free and not overweight
If fleas are found, Revolution will be applied at a cost of $10

You are required to provide proof that your pet's rabies and distemper vaccines are up-to-date. If not, they will be administered the day of their procedure at additional cost.

* Prices subject tp change without notice


Silver Springs Animal Clinic


S/N Costs for Cats

Surgery Prices:
Male Cat Neuter: $159 (Plus Pain Injection)
Female Cat Spay: $227.90 (Plus Pain Injection)

Note: SNAP Program pricing is for cats age 5 years or younger
Mandatory e-Collar for female cats and female kittens (Optional for TNR/Ferals). e-Collar may be waived if client provides a previously purchased e-Collar that is approved by Veterinarian office.

Additional Mandatory Charges:
Mandatory Take Home Pain Medication - $15-$20 depending on weight.
Mandatory Vaccines (if proof of current vaccinations cannot be provided)
Rabies Vaccine $15
FVRCPP (1 year) $15br>
Please Note:
- Additional charges apply for pregnant females at the discretion of the Veterinarian
- Cat must be in good health. Surgery will be performed at the discretion of the Veterinarian. In any case where it is felt that the surgery will endanger the health of the cat, surgery will not be performed.

Colonial Park Animal Clinic


S/N Costs for Cats

Surgery Prices:
Male Cat Neuter: $159 (Plus Pain Injection)
Female Cat Spay: $227.90 (Plus Pain Injection)

Note: SNAP Program pricing is for cats age 5 years or younger
Mandatory e-Collar for female cats and female kittens (Optional for TNR/Ferals). e-Collar may be waived if client provides a previously purchased e-Collar that is approved by Veterinarian office.

Additional Mandatory Charges:
Mandatory Take Home Pain Medication - $15-$20 depending on weight.
Mandatory Vaccines (if proof of current vaccinations cannot be provided)
Rabies Vaccine $15
FVRCPP (1 year) $15br>
Please Note:
- Additional charges apply for pregnant females at the discretion of the Veterinarian
- Cat must be in good health. Surgery will be performed at the discretion of the Veterinarian. In any case where it is felt that the surgery will endanger the health of the cat, surgery will not be performed.

Palmyra Animal Clinic


S/N Costs for Cats

Surgery Prices:
Male Cat Neuter: $159 (Plus Pain Injection)
Female Cat Spay: $227.90 (Plus Pain Injection)

Note: SNAP Program pricing is for cats age 5 years or younger
Mandatory e-Collar for female cats and female kittens (Optional for TNR/Ferals). e-Collar may be waived if client provides a previously purchased e-Collar that is approved by Veterinarian office.

Additional Mandatory Charges:
Mandatory Take Home Pain Medication - $15-$20 depending on weight.
Mandatory Vaccines (if proof of current vaccinations cannot be provided)
Rabies Vaccine $15
FVRCPP (1 year) $15br>
Please Note:
- Additional charges apply for pregnant females at the discretion of the Veterinarian
- Cat must be in good health. Surgery will be performed at the discretion of the Veterinarian. In any case where it is felt that the surgery will endanger the health of the cat, surgery will not be performed.

Humane Society of Harrisburg Area

S/N Costs for Owned Cats

Male Neuter: $95
Female Spay: $120

Additional Mandatory Charges: Vaccines must be current for both Rabies and Distemper - proof must be produced at time of of surgery.
If your pet is not up-to-date, Rabies ($25) and FVRCP($20) vaccines will be administered.


SNAP is proud to partner with several organizations with programs designed for feral and free roaming cats living outdoors.
All cats must be in a trap, not a carrier.
All cats will be ear-tipped for their future safety.

Call a location below directly to SCHEDULE your surgery appointment.

Trapping assistance may be be available in your area. Contact SNAP for more information about trapping.

Please click on the location of your choice below to display more information about each location and to schedule your surgery.

Nobody's Cat Foundation
3909 Hartzdale Drive
Suite 905
Camp Hill, PA
1159 Susquehanna Trail N
York, PA
Pet Pantry of Lancaster County
26 Millersville Road
Lancaster, PA
Humane Society
7790 Grayson Rd
Harrisburg, PA

S/N Costs for Feral Cats

NOBODY'S CAT FOUNDATION SERVICES FIFTEEN COUNTIES: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder and York

This service includes the spay/neuter surgery, rabies and distemper vaccines, parasite treatment and mandatory ear tipping for a cost of $40.

Traps are available for loan with a $50 refundable deposit.

By Appointment Only. No walk-ins.

Drop-Off Time: 8:30 - 9:00AM

TO SCHEDULE: Schedule online (preferred, quickest) at
http://www.nobodyscats.org, OR email appointments@nobodyscats.org
OR (as a last resort) Call (855)-867-4228.

S/N Costs for Feral Cats

York County SPCA

Operation Spay our Strays (SOS) is designed for feral and free roaming cats living outdoors. This service includes the spay/neuter surgery, rabies vaccine and mandatory ear tipping for a cost of $25.
Distemper vaccines are available at the time of surgery for $15.

You may bring one feral cat in a humane trap, per person per day without an appointment with a maximum of 2 cats per car.

Traps are available for loan with a refundable deposit.

Please contact YCSPCA directly for more information. All TNR policies and guidelines can be found by clicking on ” Trap-Neuter-Return Program Guidelines “ on the TNR page of YCSPCA website at https://ycspca.org/programs-services/spayneuter-clinic/sos-or-tnr-program.html

Interstate 83 Emigsville Exit approximately 5 miles north of York. Enter the Clinic on the Left side of the main entrance to the YCSPCA.

S/N Costs for Feral Cats

Pet Pantry of Lancaster County

Male or Female: $35 (includes the surgery, rabies vaccine, FVRCP(commonly called Distemper) vaccine, and Ear Tip.

FERAL AND STRAY CATS ONLY! Owned cats may be scheduled through SNAP EXPRESS or regular spay/neuter clinics.

All cats MUST have a scheduled appointment

All cats will have the very tip of their left ear removed. This is for their safety. This is so they can be identified as altered and cared for in an outdoor colony. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS

Other Services are available for a fee (de-worming, FeLV/FIV test, etc)

Some basic medical care (cleaning wounds, treating infections, etc) can be performed at these clinics. A slight cost will be incurred for these services to cover materials used. Treatment for ailments is at the sole discretion of the veterinarian.

On the day of surgery, please bring your cat to the Pet Pantry Front Entrance - Females between 9:00am - 9:30am Males between 9:30am - 10:00am.
Please allow enough time to fill out the necessary paperwork.

All cats must be picked up between 5:00pm and 6:00pm THE SAME DAY AS SURGERY. The Pet Pantry does not have the ability to house cats overnight.


S/N Costs for Feral Cats

Humane Society of Harrisburg Area

Males $50 and Females $50

** All Feral cats must be in a trap, will get ear tipped and includes vaccines **

Spots are available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays each week.
Call 717-702-7330 to schedule.

717-732-5377 Spay Neuter Assistance Program, Inc. P.O. Box 126702 Harrisburg, Pa. 17112-6702